
Penobscot RIver Archives - Skyline Maine Adventures & Kayak Rentals

Places to Kayak near Bangor, Maine

Places to Kayak near Bangor, Maine Here’s a list of places near Bangor, Maine, where people can go kayaking! We have a rental location on the Penobscot River in Hampden, Maine. We also deliver to Pushaw Lake, Phillips Lake, Hermon Pond, and Brewer Lake with advance notice! Don’t see your location listed? Give us a...

Penobscot Indians

The Penobscot River: A Lifeline for the Penobscot Indians Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Maine, the Penobscot River holds a rich and sacred significance for the Penobscot Indian Nation. As we delve into the history and culture of the Penobscot Indians, we discover the deep-rooted connections they have with this majestic river. In this...